
PS4 vs. Xbox One: Will Either Console Pull In Non-Gamers?

This holiday season is going to be all about the battle between the gaming consoles. Yet, there's a third contender that many fail to mention, but is very, very present. The Playstation 4 went on sale, November 15th and Microsoft is rolling out their Xbox One just a week later. Still, while both gaming juggernauts will be competing for the hardcore gamer, they'll also be...

How Indigenous Wisdom Is Healing Our World

Dozens of elder chiefs gather atop a mountain. They are surrounded by a curious crowd, people who seek to learn about the ancient ways....

Virtual Make Up: Good for the Industry, Bad for the Ego?

Companies are using face recognition technology to create makeup try on apps which, though they have their benefits, may also lead to problems with...

Lego Master Creates Food Sculptures Good Enough to Eat

A Japanese artist who goes by the name of Tary has recently garnered international attention for his incredible sculptures built entirely of Lego. While...

Should Your Driverless Car Kill You To Save a Pedestrian?

One thought experiment stands above the rest for the simple reason that it tackles the most important question of all - when is it...

The Embarrassing Story of the Chinese Town Behind Your Christmas

Santa's real workshop isn't at the North Pole, it's in a factory in China. And the least we can say is, it is lacking of...

Judgement Day is Coming for Monsanto With Ecocide Tribunal

Monsanto has been highly scrutinized for years for their role in the use of toxic chemicals on crops, and the company wasn't winning any...

This Planet is the Closest Thing to Earth Outside our Solar System

Scientists haven't had any luck finding Earth's twin yet, but they have stumbled across its cousin. The planet tagged GJ1132b is around 1.2 times...

This Football Player’s Good Deed Just Restored Our Faith in Humanity

Like any parent of young children, Megan Shufflebarger is used to shopping with her kids and hearing them marvel and tug at her whenever...

The Stunningly Intricate Street Art of Secretive Artist DALeast

Chinese born artist DALeast travels the world, creating seemingly living characters with a unique style reminiscent of cassette tape, in industrial and city landscapes....

Nobody Knows Where This Hole in Oregon Goes To (But it’s Probably Hell)

It's not uncommon for man-made lakes to be drained in the winter and leave an unsightly mud pit until spring comes and the water...

The Many Walls of Wynwood – Graffiti’s New Mecca

In 2009, the late real estate developer turned famed art visionary Tony Goldman began to lead the transformation of Wynwood, a partially abandoned suburb...

Summer Through Fall, These Loreal Beauty Tips Will Keep You Looking Fresh

Perfect Eyebrows Nailing the perfectly streamlined eyebrow can be tricky to pull off, but it shouldn't be. People are generally more attracted to symmetrical faces...