There is something living, thriving in the abandoned site of the Chernobyl disaster. Like the plot of a low budget sci-fi flick, a black slime has been discovered to be growing on the chemical plant's walls.
Scientists didn't expect to find anything living in the highly radioactive wasteland, so naturally, they were amazed when a robot sent in to investigate, discovered the thick black...
¿Cuándo empezaste a pensar en cómo podrías hacer del mundo un lugar mejor? ¿Veintiuno? ¿Dieciocho? ¿Tal vez incluso quince? Autumn Peltier, una adolescente indígena...
Last year, Alexis Bortell's book advocating the legalization of medical marijuana was published and distributed by Amazon. There's nothing especially surprising about that: activists...
The number of tweets, Facebook statuses and Tumblr blogs posts using the #MeToo hashtag to give accounts of sexual harassment, violence and abuse is...