I use the term “Man News” very lightly, it’s actually Mandatory’s “Mandatory Viewing” a weekly web show with comedian Ryan Stout. Stout highlights everything that men of today need to know about what’s happening in the world internet, like twerking Rihanna and twerking pugs. You know, important stuff. You DO want to know what happened on the internet last week don’t you? Of course you do!
So, what did exactly happen on the internet this past week? Well, like I mentioned Rihanna showcased her class while getting ready for the CFDA Fashion Awards by twerking in a ball gown. (Riri gonna do what Riri gonna do, people. There’s no point in trying to steer her in any other direction.) Oh, and a study has shown that people take hurricanes with female names less seriously. Because, if you’re going to ride out a hurricane with a case of Miller you want to make sure the hurricane isn’t just a windy rainstorm, right? Nobody is boarding up their windows for Hurricane Skyler.
Hurricanes, pugs and Rihanna aside, probably the best highlight from Stout’s weekly video round-up is a Florida judge who I’m fairly sure just opened up a can of whoop-ass on a public defender who was getting out of line. Keep in mind, this IS Florida we’re talking about. The judge tells the public defender if he wants to fight they can step outside into the hallway. And cut to, the people in the courtroom sitting quietly as they hear the judge and public defender yell and go at it like they’re recreating a scene from “Roadhouse.”
And there you have it, the week in “mandatory” viewing. Who knows what the internet gods will present us with next week, flying alligators, Justin Bieber impersonators, more twerking pugs? Only time will tell. Until then, cheers!