Tag: Sample Tag Page Title

Pandas Invade Paris!

Pandas are invading Paris, Berlin, Lyon, Frankfurt and Bordeaux! The wave of panda bears is the project of Paulo Grangeon, who hand made and painted the 1,600 paper-mache bears. The project titled, "Paper Panda" aims to bring the importance of conservation with each paper panda representing one of the 1,600 pandas that are in existence. The pandas may have similar markings but each panda has...

These Solor Orbs Don’t Just Harvest The Sun’s Power, They Pull In Moon Light Too

Solar panels have long been the environmental bastard child of architects. The panels are giant, expensive and often times inefficient. There's now a new solar product out there that is so powerful it can harvest the moon's light. It's called Rawlemon, and is the creation of German architect André Broessel who's sole aim for the project was to make inexpensive and efficient solar energy...

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Sample post no 2 excerpt.

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Sample post no 3 excerpt.

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Sample post no 4 excerpt.

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Sample post no 5 excerpt.

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Sample post no 6 excerpt.

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Sample post no 7 excerpt.

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Sample post no 8 excerpt.

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Sample post no 9 excerpt.

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Sample post no 10 excerpt.

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Sample post no 11 excerpt.

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Sample post no 12 excerpt.

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Sample post no 13 excerpt.