Tag: Gay

Here’s How Dead Rock Stars Would Look If They Were Still Alive Today

Some music legends are around for decades, while others only provide us with a brief glimpse of their genius. What would these rock icons of the past look like if they weren't worm food and still with us today? Would Bob Marley still have his dreads? Would John Lennon still wear his signature spectacles? Well, we have an answer to this with some cool...

PS4 vs. Xbox One: Will Either Console Pull In Non-Gamers?

This holiday season is going to be all about the battle between the gaming consoles. Yet, there's a third contender that many fail to mention, but is very, very present. The Playstation 4 went on sale, November 15th and Microsoft is rolling out their Xbox One just a week later. Still, while both gaming juggernauts will be competing for the hardcore gamer, they'll also be...

Considered Too ‘Gay’, Beauty & the Beast is Getting Banned Inside and Outside the U.S.

Disney's live-action version of Beauty and the Beast is coming to a town near you on March 17 - as long as the movie...

Examining the Ban on Gay Blood Donations After the Orlando Shooting

In the early morning of Sunday, June 12, Omar Mateen went on a terrifying rampage that killed 49 people and injured 53 at a gay...

Christian Takes Down Religious Homophobes Once and For All in Just 18 Tweets

Hey internet trolls, you might want to think twice about using religion to justify your homophobia, because Twitter user @CertifiedFool_will ruthlessly school you. The Orlando...