
Is Canada Safe to Travel: A Secure Destination

Canada is known for its low crime rates and friendly atmosphere. But what should you know before exploring its cities?

What To Expect From The Netflix Purge and New Subscription Rates

If you planned on spending your New Year's Day on the couch in sweats watching those backlogged movies in your Netflix queue, we've got some harsh news for you -- "Tales From The Crypt: Bordello Of Blood" is no longer available. That's right, you waited too long to burn through all those movies you wanted to watch and Netflix has purged a heaping lot...

Dengue Fever: A Once Eradicated Disease From the Past Rears Its Ugly Head in Florida

Alright, not to scare you, but if you live in Florida, California or Texas, your living conditions are about to get even worst than...

40 Images of Space and Scientific Evidence Our Universe is Computer Simulated, Equals Mind Blown

The initial title for this article was "The universe is crazy, like, it's not even real, man" but that just seemed a little too...

iBeacon Is About to Change Everything You Thought You Knew About Bluetooth

The dark days of Bluetooth draining your phone's battery before lunchtime has even rolled around are almost behind us. Apple is not only working...

Volvo’s Driverless Cars Will Soon Be Hitting the Roads in Sweden

Ask people if they would trust a computer over a person behind the wheel, and you're likely to get a variety of somewhat concerned...

A Terrifying Future Of Police Drones Could Be On The Way

Right now drones pretty much fall into two categories: million dollar government spies that take out insurgents, and Amazon's answer to getting you that...

GoPro Shark Attack Video Shows What It’s Like to Be a Shark’s Dinner

If you've ever seen Jaws and followed it up with a day at the beach, you've probably nervously wondered what it's like to be...

You May Be Able to Taste the Internet in the Very Near Future

Imagine, your surfing your favorite go-to site on the web (cough, cough, this one) and blam-o! You're hit in the face with a pop-up...

Your Smartphone Of The Future May Have A Built-In X-Ray

It's only a matter of time before #X-ray becomes a thing on Instagram. The technology isn't here yet, but it is moving that direction....

Discovery Reveals Something Is Growing In Chernobyl, Radioactive Slime Monsters?

There is something living, thriving in the abandoned site of the Chernobyl disaster. Like the plot of a low budget sci-fi flick, a black...

PS4 vs. Xbox One: Will Either Console Pull In Non-Gamers?

This holiday season is going to be all about the battle between the gaming consoles. Yet, there's a third contender that many fail to...

MapD is About to Mine the Hell Out of Twitter

A new software may be on your next PC, allowing for the processing of data up to 70 times faster than ever possible. The...

Kickstarter’s Executive Shake-Up is a Model for Knowing When to Leave

Knowing when you've fulfilled your duties and it's time to take on a new role is essential in business and looking at Kickstarter's recent...