Tag: Portraits

Ron Burgundy Went on ‘Conan’ to Call Out Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

It hasn't been any easy few weeks for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, but things tend to go that way when you're a crack smoking politician who threatens to kill people. If there is anybody out there who knows how to come back from disgrace and stay classy, it's most definitely Ron Burgundy. Ron went on "Conan" last night to promote his new "Anchorman 2"...

Discovery Reveals Something Is Growing In Chernobyl, Radioactive Slime Monsters?

There is something living, thriving in the abandoned site of the Chernobyl disaster. Like the plot of a low budget sci-fi flick, a black slime has been discovered to be growing on the chemical plant's walls. Scientists didn't expect to find anything living in the highly radioactive wasteland, so naturally, they were amazed when a robot sent in to investigate, discovered the thick black...

These Enigmatic Paintings Will Take You to a Dream You Didn’t Have

Jeremy Mann is an artist whose paintings call on audiences to notice the magic in everyday life. Deeply emotive, raw and alive with movement, his...

Artist Constructs Portraits Using DNA from Cigarette Butts

The rapid and unstoppable advancement of technology in today's society runs parallel to an equally fervent ethical discussion. On one side of the coin, new...

The Amazing Photorealistic Portraits of Monica Lee

Malaysian artist Monica Lee is garnering global attention for her photorealistic pencil portraits. Growing up in the business of photography, Monica's early fascination with...