Tag: Trendsetting Restaurant

James Fallon Knows About the Minds of Psychos, Because He is One

James Fallon is a psychopath. No, he's not the latest headline grabbing, ax-wielding madman that seem to appear in the news far too frequently. He's actually a happily married man and father who also happens to be an award-winning neuroscientist at the University of California. He's spent the better part of two decades studying violent psychos and also happens to have the mind of...

Redesigning the Ice Cream Scoop for a Future of Better Scooping

You're at home and have a craving for mint chocolate chip. You pull the carton out of the freezer and open the kitchen drawer, do you reach for: A) a spoon, B) a generic super market ice cream scoop, C) a $250 sleekly designed scoop? If you answered A) you're probably in the majority. You're also probably being laughed at and mocked by the...

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