In addition to asking for the standard “peace on Earth and goodwill toward men” this season, let’s tag on another holiday wish – chill with the outrage to holiday advertising. Seriously, every year it’s a new trivial holiday advert that sends people to Twitter with torches and pitchforks.
If it’s not people crying about the design of a paper Starbucks cup, they’re whining over the casting of a commercial.
The latest outrage over Christmas marketing hits at Tesco, a British grocery store chain that shows a Muslim family preparing and enjoying a meal during the Christmas season.
The minute-long ad immediately sent people with too much time on their hands to Twitter, announcing they will no longer be shopping at Tesco.
Now, of course, not everyone in the U.K. celebrates Christmas; the advert is simply trying to get the point across that it wants to be a part of all families during the season, whatever the cause for celebration. People on Twitter seemed shocked that a major corporation was trying to pull as much business as possible, by being as inclusive as possible. One user even launched a poll to show Tesco how much business they would be losing.
While 50 percent of respondents said they would be boycotting Tesco, the other half said they were indifferent to the ad. As for Tesco, their PR rep played it cool and simply offered a response of “everyone is welcome at Tesco this Christmas.” Wow, what a radical concept.
Defenders of the company were quick to point out the hypocrisy of some of the haters. “It honestly baffles me that it’s 2017 and idiots are planning to boycott Tesco because they showed a Muslim family on their Christmas advert. Ninety percent of those will be the same ones who shout their mouths of about “if they’re in our country, they live by our rules,” wrote one Twitter user.
“No doubt the people who claim Muslims won’t integrate are now furious that Muslims might enjoy Christmas…,” said another.
While Tesco’s Twitter page was no doubt full of feedback, others applauded the company for finding a way to cut down on the holiday shopping crowds.
With so much pain and strife in the world today, it’s important to keep in mind that the season is a time for love and reconciliation, something that Twitter user Mick Amos pointed out.
I hope we can all agree with Mr. Amos that the season should be a time for joy, not bitterness. Besides, I’m sure there’ll be some new Christmas marketing abomination to get angry about all over again next year.