Tag: Money

How Will We Protect Our Smartphones in the Future?

If you've ever had your smartphone hacked you know just how panic inducing it can be. Sadly, that four digit iPhone lock code isn't always as unbreakable as you might have hoped. Phones of the future though won't rely on codes, they'll rely on your fingerprints instead. Most of us use some sort of four didget code to lock our phones, maybe it's your...

Miley Cyrus Goes Topless, Gets Tattooed and Jumps Out a Plane for Rolling Stone

Is Miley Cyrus' tongue permanently stuck hanging out of her mouth? Seriously, does anybody know because that seems to be its perpetual state in every photo of her. Miley went tongue out and top off for her new cover of Rolling Stone magazine and it's already getting a lot of buzz. Surprise, surprise, sex still sells. It was either go topless, twerk with a...

Brown University Takes Bold Step to Counter Trump’s Cuts to Student Grants

Student loan debt has become a financial weight for the majority of college graduates, and it could become even heavier with the Trump administration's...

Billions in Student Loan Debt May be Wiped Away. Here’s Why

Imagine walking into a court and announcing that Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, and Mark Zuckerberg all owe you money. Sounds pretty fantastic, doesn’t it?...

How the Trump Organization Paid Itself With Kids-Cancer Charity Money

A breaking Forbes report alludes the Trump Organization took money dedicated for cancer-stricken kids, through a charity golf tournament happening each September at the Trump National...

Student Who Was Mistakenly Given $3.4 Million by Bank May be in the Clear

Life tip: if you wake up to find out that your bank has mysteriously given you unlimited cash funds - don't go on an...