Tag: Sports

Discovery Reveals Something Is Growing In Chernobyl, Radioactive Slime Monsters?

There is something living, thriving in the abandoned site of the Chernobyl disaster. Like the plot of a low budget sci-fi flick, a black slime has been discovered to be growing on the chemical plant's walls. Scientists didn't expect to find anything living in the highly radioactive wasteland, so naturally, they were amazed when a robot sent in to investigate, discovered the thick black...

Here’s How Dead Rock Stars Would Look If They Were Still Alive Today

Some music legends are around for decades, while others only provide us with a brief glimpse of their genius. What would these rock icons of the past look like if they weren't worm food and still with us today? Would Bob Marley still have his dreads? Would John Lennon still wear his signature spectacles? Well, we have an answer to this with some cool...

Vet Who Lost His Leg Crosses Boston Marathon Finish Line Carrying His Guide

The Boston Marathon has had its share of inspiring moments since its 1897 inception, but one in particular at this year's race will have...

You Won’t Find A More Extreme Sport Than Surfing… On A Dirt Bike

Robbie Maddison doesn't need a board to catch some waves, he's got his dirt bike. The native Australian is plenty accustomed to surfing the...

The Human Cost of the FIFA Qatar Scandal is Staggering

Longtime soccer fans have heard rumor’s of FIFA’s unethical practices for years, with allegations going back two decades as Jon Stewart pointed out earlier...

Scotts Miracle-Gro is in the Middle of a Soccer Turf War with FIFA

Spectators in the nosebleed seats at this year's Women's Soccer World Cup might not notice the field's new surface, but the players will sure...

Not Allowed To Bike, These Afghan Girls Rip It Up On Skateboards Instead

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLb-ABe-aVE You'd be hard pressed to find an activity that represents American counter-culture more than skateboarding. In its early 1960s roots, the sport was seen...

Hilarious ‘Sad Brazilians’ Tumblr Captures The Grief Of Brazil

Germany's devastating 7-1 win over Brazil yesterday pushed the World Cup host out of any possibility of a championship. It was a truly crushing...

We Could All Get Some Inspiration From This 7-Year-Old

If you're needing a bit of inspiration to get over a hurdle, Canadian 7-year-old Keira might be able to help. Keira is part of...