
Facebook Ditches the ‘Thumbs Up Like’ Button

Yes, it's shocking but true, Facebook is doing away with its trademark thumb's up like button. Don't fret though, "likes" aren't going away, they're just getting a new re-design. It may seem like a small thing to change, but considering that the little blue button gets viewed and clicked over 22 billion times a day, any change with those numbers is big. The buttons...

Where Do Superstitions Come From?

We've all heard about the omens that black cats bring or how breaking a mirror will get you seven years bad luck. Where exactly do these superstitions come from though? Seven years of bad luck seems awfully harsh for breaking a mirror, there's got to be some reasoning why people are so superstitious, right? Mental Floss have taken our most famous superstitions from walking...

How Sick Children are Helping to Change Medical Marijuana Laws in the U.S.

Marijuana might not have the sordid reputation it once had, but it’s still illegal at a federal level and medical marijuana is only legal...

Resistance to Antibiotics Will be the Next Worldwide Epidemic. What are the Solutions?

Recently, the United Nations convened to discuss the growing global threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, aka "superbugs". While their pronouncement is bleak, a string of...

On This Tiny Island of Japan, People Live to 100+. Here’s How.

Beyond the southernmost tip of Japan lies an island known as the “Island of Immortals”. They haven't found the fountain of youth, but the...

What You Should Know About Livestock Antibiotics and Our Health

By now, many of us know about the disgusting conditions on factory farms. Animals are kept in tiny cages, and are selectively bred to...

This Man Thinks Mushrooms Can Fix the Environment and Take Down Monsanto

Monsanto is one of the largest developers of genetically altered seeds and pesticides like Roundup. It pulls in around $16 billion a year and...

Want to Heal Your Body & Mind? Try the Japanese Art of Forest Bathing

If there were a way to feel happier, boost immunity, and lower blood pressure all at the same time, you’d feel like it’s too...

Can This Frog’s Special Power Save Millions of Lives?

Since Alexander Fleming's rather fortuitous discovery of penicillin in 1928, a vast array of antibiotics have been discovered and developed. Recently, in response to...

A Haunting “Dead Whale” Has Washed Up in Manila

You probably know that plastic pollution is a big problem for the oceans; but most of us don’t see its detrimental effects and truly...

Scientists Might Have Just Accidentally Cured Our Plastic Epidemic

Plastic waste is creeping into every corner of the planet; but thanks to an unexpected ally in the form of a bacterial enzyme, we...

Teenager Wins the Oscars of Science With This Simple Yet Brilliant Video

When you think of Albert Einstein's greatest hits, the theory of relativity is among them. But ask any non-scientist adult what it is and...

We Are Killing 100k+ Dolphins and Whales a Year For No Reason and It Has to Stop

A report released earlier this month has revealed that over one hundred thousand dolphins and whales are killed each year to be used as...

Scientists Say Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by 65%

Life is hard. It’s stressful and seems to grow increasingly more so with every passing year - especially this year, dare I say. Managing...