
Absolute Pitch Might Now Be Possible With A Brain Altering Drug

Most of us don't have "absolute pitch," the ability to identify or sing a specific note without any reference point. Takao Hensch, professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, says this is a learned skill that is only attainable during a critical period early in our lives. A new pill might just change all that. A new study by Hensch discusses a drug...

New VR Therapy Helps Kids in the Hospital Cope With Stress and Pain

Physicians at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford, USA are addressing the challenge of pain and anxiety management in the most innovative of ways— distraction-based...

(Video) When a Majestic Rare Solar Phenomenon Appeared in Sweden

As if frolicking about in the snow at a Swedish ski resort wasn’t awe-inspiring enough, earlier this month slope-goers were treated to an exquisite...

New Eco-Friendly Battery Makes Running Out of Juice a Thing of the Past

Imagine you’re poised to take a “right-place-right-time” photo. Or you’re in the latter stages of booking a flight on your tablet. Or after some...

It’s Official: NASA is Making Cryosleep a Reality

Oh, to have a good night’s sleep! Indeed, many of us are sleep deprived; trudging around the workplace, lumbering the kids to-and-from school, like zombies...

Eat Them While You Can: 10 Foods on the Verge of Extinction

As climate change wreaks havoc on the environment, food production is suffering, and farming is becoming more difficult. These 10 foods could soon disappear...

Yes, Africa is Splitting in Two. But It’s Not That Simple

With a land area of close to 12 million square miles, Africa is the second largest continent on Earth. Last month, a massive crack...

The Debate on Cell Phones and Cancer Just Took a Turn

If you have a compulsion to put your phone in another room when you sleep, or you’re a guy who worries about what the...

Could “Artificial” Sperm Cure Infertility?

Researchers from Cambridge University’s Gurdon Institute have made significant progress towards the replication of  human sperm cells in the lab. Their work, which employed...

Apple Admits to Slowing Down Older iPhones and Explains Why

Apple has long been accused of intentionally slowing down iPhones for the sole purpose of coercing consumers into purchasing their latest products. Just when we...

Is This Weird Asteroid a Sign of Alien Life? The First Results Are In

Is “home” finally returning ET’s call? That’s what researchers at the Breakthrough Listen initiative, the largest scientific research program aimed at finding evidence of...

Physicist Believes These Computers Could Make Immortality Possible

The famous Professor of Particle Physics, Brian Cox, is one of many scientists who believe we will soon be able to completely merge our...

The Family Profiting From the Opioid Crisis Hides Behind Charity

America is facing an unprecedented public health crisis— opioid addiction and the subsequent loss of many lives. The prescription drug OxyContin has been attributed...