‘Baywatch’ Stars Reveal What Everyone Else Already Knew


Surprise, surprise, the rock hard abs of David Hasselhoff and buns of steel on Traci Bingham were part of their contract with the NBC. Shocked? Didn’t think so…

“Baywatch” rose to fame in the 1990s and made international superstars of actresses like Pamela Anderson and Gena Lee Nolin (and it wasn’t for their onscreen performances either). Those toned and tight beach bodies were in the contract and if stars failed to maintain them the network wouldn’t hesitate to tell them to kick sand and start walking.

A few of the stars have had weight issues and while they aren’t blaming the show for their current issues, they did reveal to ET the pressure put on them. “It was later in life when I found out that I had thyroid issues and gained a ton of weight,” explained Gena Lee Nolin. “I got up to 200 pounds.”

Is anybody really surprised by any of this though? A network can’t expect single men in Sir Lanka to tune-in for the show if it’s a bunch of winded bags of flab lumbering up and down the beach. Gena Lee Nolin may not blame “Baywatch” for her weight gain, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t going to use it to milk some extra publicity.

Now put down the doughnut, quit crying and get back on the treadmill, Gena Lee.

baywatch babes

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