Tag: Celebrities

Neil Patrick Harris Took Happy Hour To The Next Level With Margarita Bender

Viva la NPH! Now, when we look at just who Neil Patrick Harris is, there's a few different NPHs out there: there's your Doogie, your Barney, your Tony host, your family man and still one more NPH that might top them all -- margarita Neil Patrick Harris. Neil recently spent his New Years vacationing in Mexico with his family and made the most of...

Absolute Pitch Might Now Be Possible With A Brain Altering Drug

Most of us don't have "absolute pitch," the ability to identify or sing a specific note without any reference point. Takao Hensch, professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, says this is a learned skill that is only attainable during a critical period early in our lives. A new pill might just change all that. A new study by Hensch discusses a drug...

Jennifer Lawrence and Other Celebrities Read Rob Ford’s Crack Smoking Statement on ‘Letterman’

You haven't truly heard crack smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's statement until you've heard it through the lips of J Law. David Letterman gathered...

Ashton Kutcher Takes on Walmart in Thanksgiving Twitter War

It's no secret that Walmart is one of the most successful companies in the world. It's also no secret that they've got a bit...

Ron Burgundy Went on ‘Conan’ to Call Out Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

It hasn't been any easy few weeks for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, but things tend to go that way when you're a crack smoking...

Here’s How Dead Rock Stars Would Look If They Were Still Alive Today

Some music legends are around for decades, while others only provide us with a brief glimpse of their genius. What would these rock icons...

Sacha Baron Cohen Pushed an Old Lady Off the Stage at the Britannia Awards

It's generally frowned upon to push elderly, wheel-chair bound women off the stage at awards shows. That didn't stop Sach Baron Cohen though from...

Miley Cyrus’ Nipple Went as Lil Kim for Halloween

Miley Cyrus' nipple dressed up as Lil Kim for Halloween, sporting a sparkly purple pasty. At this point Miley's boobs and ass have more...

Prince Hired a Random High School Kid to Direct His New Music Video

Forget big shot music video directors and famous choreographers, Prince has recruited a random girl barley out of high school to shoot and star...

Tom Hardy Takes on ‘Rocketman’ in New Elton John Biopic

Tom Hardy is will to be switching from the Bane mask to a pair of rhinestone sunglasses. The English actor has agreed to portray...

Hollywood ‘O Faces’ on Display with New ‘Nymphomaniac’ Posters

Lars Von Trier's upcoming film "Nymphomaniac" isn't shying away from controversy and the new posters for the film are just a preview of what...

‘Baywatch’ Stars Reveal What Everyone Else Already Knew

Surprise, surprise, the rock hard abs of David Hasselhoff and buns of steel on Traci Bingham were part of their contract with the NBC....

The Best Egomaniac GIFs from Kanye’s Interview with Jimmy Kimmel

While there's nothing like a good Twitter feud, especially when Kanye West is involved, a face to face is going to be way better....

Miley Cyrus Goes Topless, Gets Tattooed and Jumps Out a Plane for Rolling Stone

Is Miley Cyrus' tongue permanently stuck hanging out of her mouth? Seriously, does anybody know because that seems to be its perpetual state in...