Tag: Entertainment

MapD is About to Mine the Hell Out of Twitter

A new software may be on your next PC, allowing for the processing of data up to 70 times faster than ever possible. The technology is known as MapD and burns through large torrents of data by storing the data in an onboard memory of graphics processing units (GPUs) as opposed to the standard central processing units (CPUs). Currently, the new software technology developed by...

Facebook Ditches the ‘Thumbs Up Like’ Button

Yes, it's shocking but true, Facebook is doing away with its trademark thumb's up like button. Don't fret though, "likes" aren't going away, they're just getting a new re-design. It may seem like a small thing to change, but considering that the little blue button gets viewed and clicked over 22 billion times a day, any change with those numbers is big. The buttons...

Finally, Academy Awards That Don’t Look So White This Year

Remember the 2016 Oscars? If not, then this hashtag might refresh your memory: #OscarsSoWhite. It was the second year in a row in which...

Welcome to Pandora, the Unreal Amusement Park Dedicated to Avatar

After years of fervent participation, Pandora: The World Of Avatar has been set to open its gates to the public at Disney World in...

Ringling Bros Circus Calling it Quits. Who is Next?

After more than 100 years in business, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey will be shutting its doors for good. CEO Kenneth Feld of...

Robin Williams’ 10 Best Movies According To IMDB

With the recent passing of the great actor and comedian Robin Williams, many fans are revisiting his most popular movies. Several of his most...