Tag: Inspire

Facebook Ditches the ‘Thumbs Up Like’ Button

Yes, it's shocking but true, Facebook is doing away with its trademark thumb's up like button. Don't fret though, "likes" aren't going away, they're just getting a new re-design. It may seem like a small thing to change, but considering that the little blue button gets viewed and clicked over 22 billion times a day, any change with those numbers is big. The buttons...

Where Do Superstitions Come From?

We've all heard about the omens that black cats bring or how breaking a mirror will get you seven years bad luck. Where exactly do these superstitions come from though? Seven years of bad luck seems awfully harsh for breaking a mirror, there's got to be some reasoning why people are so superstitious, right? Mental Floss have taken our most famous superstitions from walking...

Chobani CEO Just Did What Every Employee Would Ever Dream Of

It's been a good week for Greek yogurt, or more accurately, for the employees of Greek yogurt company Chobani. The company's founder, Hamdi Ulukaya,...

Bride Got Stood up so Family Gave Her 35K Wedding to the Homeless

Wedding planning is stressful enough already, and having the whole thing unravel because the groom gets cold feet is a twist that most families...

This Football Player’s Good Deed Just Restored Our Faith in Humanity

Like any parent of young children, Megan Shufflebarger is used to shopping with her kids and hearing them marvel and tug at her whenever...

Meet the Man That Feeds 1 Million Children a Year From a Small Tin Shed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_ggoxs9NIA You never know what event is going to trigger somebody to step into action and take the steps necessary to make a difference. For...

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is the Kid Warrior Trying to Save Our Planet

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez isn't your average teenager. Whereas other 14-year-olds might be concerned about getting the latest Xbox game or taking the perfect selfie for...