Tag: Weather

Absolute Pitch Might Now Be Possible With A Brain Altering Drug

Most of us don't have "absolute pitch," the ability to identify or sing a specific note without any reference point. Takao Hensch, professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, says this is a learned skill that is only attainable during a critical period early in our lives. A new pill might just change all that. A new study by Hensch discusses a drug...

Do I Need Travel Insurance to Fly: Tips

As you plan your next adventure, one question stands out: Do I need travel insurance to fly? While not legally required, the benefits are astonishing. But what happens if you skip it and the unexpected occurs?

Not Scared of Hurricanes, These People Abandon Logic and Stay Put. But Why?

Hurricane season is here, and as usual, it has entered the party with a bang. As it makes landfall in the Carolinas, Hurricane Florence...

These Photos of Hurricane Harvey Rescuers Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

When Hurricane Harvey hit Houston on Friday, it was the biggest one to hit Texas in over 50 years - and the slow moving...

Hail Wrecked Havoc On Nebraska And The Photos Are Incredible

Mother Nature hit the midwest with some serious power last week with a massive storm that included some pretty devastating hail. Laughing Squid picked...