
Americans Spent Almost $7 Billion on Halloween This Year

Those bags of Snickers and Three Musketeers are bringing some serious Halloween cash to the economy, $6.9 billion worth. Yes, that's a lot but compared to 2011 it's actually less. While Americans are still shelling out money on costumes, candy and decorations, the spending is actually down from $8 billion in 2011. Mashable put together a pretty cool infographic on just how much and...

How You Can Help Fight the Repeal of DACA, in Three Easy Actions

Since President Trump announced an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) earlier this month, the future of thousands of young...

98-Year-Old Turned $1,000 Into $2 Million, and Gave it All to Charity

Russ Gremel is “a very simple man” who prefers oatmeal to fine dining. He’s lived in the same house on the outskirts of Chicago...

America’s Lunch Shaming Issue is Disgusting and Easy to Fix. So Why Aren’t we?

20 million kids in America receive free school lunches, but many others struggle to pay the $2.35 fee. For those who can’t pay, “lunch...

Students at This High School Don’t Choose Their Prom Dates. Here’s Why

Sweaty palms, itchy tuxes, sexual tension, and a whole lot of hairspray. This is the Prom many of us grew up with. Our experience...

This Brave Girl Scout Confronting a Neo-Nazi is Taking the Internet by Storm

In a time of political unrest and rising nationalism, it seems the whole world is facing an existential question: Who are we? What do...

New York Becomes the First State to Offer Tuition-Free College

In a landmark move, New York just became the first state to offer free tuition for four-year state colleges and universities. On Sunday, the...

They Blame Mass Shootings on Mental Issues, but Killed Mental Health Coverage?

The GOP’s stance on mental health care seems a bit schizophrenic these days. After a wave of mass shootings shook our country over the...

These Stylish Gents Are Reshaping the Way the World Sees Iraq

For many westerners, the word “Kurdistan” brings to mind one thing — conflict. The region, located in northern Iraq, has been mired in civil...

How Trump’s Deregulations Mostly Hurt His Own Supporters

Since President Trump took office in January, nearly 100 government regulations across industries have been suspended or reversed. And a recent executive order stated...

A Heartbreaking Story of Survival is Taking the World by Storm (Video)

A young girl's harrowing tale of life in North Korea has captured the world's attention. Yeonmi Park fled the oppressive regime when she was...