Tag: Culture

Facebook Ditches the ‘Thumbs Up Like’ Button

Yes, it's shocking but true, Facebook is doing away with its trademark thumb's up like button. Don't fret though, "likes" aren't going away, they're just getting a new re-design. It may seem like a small thing to change, but considering that the little blue button gets viewed and clicked over 22 billion times a day, any change with those numbers is big. The buttons...

Where Do Superstitions Come From?

We've all heard about the omens that black cats bring or how breaking a mirror will get you seven years bad luck. Where exactly do these superstitions come from though? Seven years of bad luck seems awfully harsh for breaking a mirror, there's got to be some reasoning why people are so superstitious, right? Mental Floss have taken our most famous superstitions from walking...

This Guy Tweaks Iconic Images to Comment on Modern Society – And Make People Think

Francesco Vullo toys with familiar images of pop culture in a way that is both playful and provocative. His work frames everyday objects in...

This Post Apocalyptic Festival Makes Burning Man Look Like a Walk in the Park

For four days last September, a patch of barren sand in the middle of the Mojave Desert, California came to life with hellish visions...

Black Appropriation is the Newest Shade in Swedish Spray Tans

Believe it or not, a company in Sweden is now selling a 'dark chocolate' tanning solution that offers white people with an identity crisis the option...

Welcome to The Library Where You Check Out People, Not Books

Generally speaking, most libraries operate around the same way. You fill out a form to get your library card, find the book you want,...

Not Allowed To Bike, These Afghan Girls Rip It Up On Skateboards Instead

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLb-ABe-aVE You'd be hard pressed to find an activity that represents American counter-culture more than skateboarding. In its early 1960s roots, the sport was seen...

This Utopic Town in Spain Has No Need For Police Thanks to its Robin Hood Mayor

As of January of this year, the unemployment rate in the United States is 5.7 percent and in Spain it's around 7.6 percent. But...