Tag: Animals

Patagonia Beer: Outdoors Clothing Company Launches Its Own Beer

Patagonia, the clothing company known world-wide for their rugged outdoors wear is getting into the brew business. While they haven't laid out the groundwork for full beer distribution yet, they have teamed up with New Belgium Brewing to put out a custom lager. It's all part of the company's 40th anniversary and true to the brand's name, it revolves around nature. The beer called "California...

Sacha Baron Cohen Pushed an Old Lady Off the Stage at the Britannia Awards

It's generally frowned upon to push elderly, wheel-chair bound women off the stage at awards shows. That didn't stop Sach Baron Cohen though from hurling an 87-year-old actress off the stage at the Britannia Awards last week. Baron Cohen was brought to the stage by Salma Hayek to receive the Charlie Chaplin award for excellence in comedy. While accepting his award he was given...

Scientists Have Declared Animals to Have a Conscious Awareness Similar to Humans

Some of the smartest minds in science came together to publicly acknowledge what any pet owner has known all along - animals are consciously...

A single litter of pups could mark the beginning of a red wolf resurgence

Conservationists are hoping a new litter of red wolf pups will spark new life for the species.

Scientists Taught Goldfish to Drive… and They’re Not Half Bad

Maybe now that fish are learning to drive we'll give them a little more credit.

A Texas Ranch is Changing the Lives of Special Needs Animals and Children Alike

A special ranch in Texas is connecting special needs animals with children.

Cow Hugging is the Wellness Trend 2020 Needs

Need of a hug? Well, a cow might be just the animal you're looking for. Cows might not seem like the best huggers, but cow hugging is a growing wellness trend.

Study Reveals Sharks Can Be ‘Friends’ With Other Sharks

Sharks are the ocean's top predator, but do they have friends? A new study suggests that sharks may indeed be friendly with one another.

Family Rescues Dog Found Fighting For Its Life In The Middle of Lake Michigan

A family out for a boat ride never expected to see a dog in the middle of Lake Michigan.

These Tourist Attractions Promoting Animal Cruelty Should be Banned Already

550,000 wild animals currently suffer at hands of wildlife tourism. Last week in Cambodia, the death of a working elephant caused a global uproar and...

Photos of the Comedy Pet Awards Are the Funniest Thing You’ll See Today

From the people who brought you the Comedy Wildlife Awards, comes the first ever annual Comedy Pet Awards. Brace yourself for tears of laughter,...

Raised by Wolves, This Man Explains Where Humans Have Failed

Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja has experienced many ordinary human tribulations—he has worked exploitative jobs and now faces financial struggles amid retirement. But the 72-year-old is...

Study Explains Why Having a Dog Makes You a Better, Healthier Person

Good news, dog owners! Our furry friends are some of the most important beings in our lives— serving as pets, confidants, and highly valued...

Study Shows Elephants Avoid Cancer with ‘Zombie’ Gene

Our giant mammalian cousin the elephant has a weirdly long life span. Simple logic says that cancers should be developing more frequently in elephants, given...