
NeverWet Product is Either a Miracle of Science or Black Magic Sorcery

Scientists have finally decided to stop wasting time on the global warming crisis and work on something a bit more practical - preventing stains. That's right klutzes of the world, you now no longer have to worry about dropping that chili dog all over your shirt right before the big job interview. Presenting (drum roll, please)... NeverWet! An amazing new product now available in...

AI Tried to Create Inspirational Quotes, and it Went Hilariously Wrong

AI is a concept that both excites and terrifies us. Machine learning systems are set to revolutionize and streamline the way we live, work,...

These Hypnotic Animations Are the Closest Thing to a Psychedelic Experience

With his work, university professor and artist Ben Ridgway invites viewers to make personal connections to the audio and visual without relying on narrative...

These Child Prodigies Stepped Up to Change the World We Live In

Unbridled creativity, fearlessness, optimism, sharp senses and a fresh outlook on the world. These are the qualities that make children so special, and that adults...

Husband Spent Years Planting Thousands of Flowers For His Blind Wife

Mr and Mrs Kuroki moved to a dairy farm in rural Japan shortly after marrying in 1956. They began their life together, raising two...

San Diego Has an Unusual But Effective Way to House its Homeless Vets

On any given night in the United States, around 40,000 homeless veterans are left without a roof over their heads. Homelessness is a global...

These Complex, Abstract Masterpieces Are Made to Stimulate Your Brain

James Roper is an artist whose images dance in the space between mystery and clarity. He likes to pull his audience into a state...

Dad Turns Sick Kids Into Superheroes in This Epic Photoshoot

In October last year, photographer John Rossi got a lot of attention for transforming his 3-year-old daughter into Wonder Woman for Halloween and staging...

Every Year, This Nature Park Transforms Into an Underwater Forest

Near the town of Tragoss, Austria, exists a natural wonder that will truly leave you stunned. There is a very special lake called the...

MIT’s Version of Ancient Death Masks Are Like Something From a Sci-Fi Movie

Designer Neri Oxman and her team at MIT's Mediated Matter Group have created an eerily beautiful series of death masks called Vespers that are...

10 Famous Immigrants Who Made America Great

Immigration, more than ever, generates political debate and polarizes communities - especially in the USA. With President Donald Trump at the helm, much of...

Pilot Takes Photos of Storms From Cockpit Like We’ve Never Seen Before

Santiago Borja is a 31-year-old pilot who works for Ecuador Airlines. After spending 800 hours per year for the first five years of his...

In This Isolated Village, Little Girls Are Turning Into Boys at Puberty

For most boys and girls, puberty is an awkward and difficult time. Voices drop, moods swing, and hair grows in places it never did...