"Breaking Bad" may have all the critics drooling over it and every person on the planet bowing down at the feet of creator Vince Gilligan, but Edmond Hawkins isn't satisfied. Hawkins is an animator at "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" and took it upon himself to improve the show with his own special effects.
Ever wanted to see Hank cross-eyed or Todd as a...
These skeletons of Christian martyrs draped in gold an jewels make the blinged-out rappers of today look like paupers.
During the 16th century the Roman Catholic church commisioned that the remains of early Christian martyrs be moved to select European churches for safekeeping to replace relics that were lost or destroyed during the Protestant Reformation. While under care of the church, skeletons were adorned with...
¿Cuándo empezaste a pensar en cómo podrías hacer del mundo un lugar mejor? ¿Veintiuno? ¿Dieciocho? ¿Tal vez incluso quince? Autumn Peltier, una adolescente indígena...
Nadie duda que en el mundo, el deporte rey es el fútbol. En los cinco continentes, dos equipos se unen en una cancha para...
"El cancer no me impide ser una princesa."
El mes pasado, Andrea Sierra Salazar, de 17 años, hizo esta declaración empoderada en Twitter para acompañar...