As you plan your next adventure, one question stands out: Do I need travel insurance to fly? While not legally required, the benefits are astonishing. But what happens if you skip it and the unexpected occurs?
The phrase, "add a little spark to your step" comes to mind when referring to a new set of floor tiles that generate electricity through footsteps.
Pavegen is the brainchild of inventor Laurence Kemball-Cook and have the ability to generate between one and seven watts, or about 30 seconds of lamp light depending on the force of a footstep.
As of September 2013, the...
"El cancer no me impide ser una princesa."
El mes pasado, Andrea Sierra Salazar, de 17 años, hizo esta declaración empoderada en Twitter para acompañar...
La mayoría de los agricultores comerciales rocían todos sus campos con pesticidas, y cultivan especies vegetales genéticamente modificadas capaces de soportar los herbicidas que...