
Is Canada Safe to Travel: A Secure Destination

Canada is known for its low crime rates and friendly atmosphere. But what should you know before exploring its cities?

What To Expect From The Netflix Purge and New Subscription Rates

If you planned on spending your New Year's Day on the couch in sweats watching those backlogged movies in your Netflix queue, we've got some harsh news for you -- "Tales From The Crypt: Bordello Of Blood" is no longer available. That's right, you waited too long to burn through all those movies you wanted to watch and Netflix has purged a heaping lot...

Dengue Fever: A Once Eradicated Disease From the Past Rears Its Ugly Head in Florida

Alright, not to scare you, but if you live in Florida, California or Texas, your living conditions are about to get even worst than...

This Photo Of Morgan Freeman Really Isn’t a Photo At All

The above portrait of Morgan Freeman might look like a crisp photo of the Oscar-winning actor, but it's actually a painting. Before you start...

The World Pays Tribute to Nelson Mandela With ‘Mandela’s Walk’ Short Film

As the world mourns one of humanity's greatest fighters for equal rights, many are finding their own ways to show their gratitude for Nelson...

Not Even Dragon Themed Jumbo Jets Can Get People Talking About ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’

There are four movies coming out this holiday season that are poised to bring in big stockings of cash for Hollywood, yet people only...

Mix Fire Ants With Molten Aluminum And What You Get Will Blow Your Mind

You might have a hard time finding somebody who actually likes fire ants. The pesky insects have been known to ruin many a day...

A Terrifying Future Of Police Drones Could Be On The Way

Right now drones pretty much fall into two categories: million dollar government spies that take out insurgents, and Amazon's answer to getting you that...

You May Be Able to Taste the Internet in the Very Near Future

Imagine, your surfing your favorite go-to site on the web (cough, cough, this one) and blam-o! You're hit in the face with a pop-up...

Jennifer Lawrence and Other Celebrities Read Rob Ford’s Crack Smoking Statement on ‘Letterman’

You haven't truly heard crack smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's statement until you've heard it through the lips of J Law. David Letterman gathered...

London Now Has Interactive Billboards That Show Flights’ Departure and Arrival Destinations

It's eye-opening to think about all the distant corners of the world that touch base throughout the day at an airport as large as...

Ron Burgundy Went on ‘Conan’ to Call Out Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

It hasn't been any easy few weeks for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, but things tend to go that way when you're a crack smoking...

Here’s How Dead Rock Stars Would Look If They Were Still Alive Today

Some music legends are around for decades, while others only provide us with a brief glimpse of their genius. What would these rock icons...

MapD is About to Mine the Hell Out of Twitter

A new software may be on your next PC, allowing for the processing of data up to 70 times faster than ever possible. The...